7月1日から始まった「第14回 500個の風鈴の音を聴く」イベントが池上本門寺で行われていますが、早くも今週の土曜日、つまり明日(21日)で終わってしまいます。
ここ数日、池上本門寺にやってくる外国人観光客の姿をチラホラ見かけ、昨日も若い外国人カップルが石段を登り切った後に、風になびく風鈴を見て「WOW ! It's so COOL !(すっげ〜ぞこれ、カッコいいわ!)」とか言いながらバシャバシャ写真や動画を撮る姿を見て、そう思った次第です。
Hello everyone ! ! Welcome to Ikegami Honmonji ! ! My name is Dogwood.
I would like to introduce the event so called "Listen to the sound of 500 windbells" that started from July 1st at Ikegami Honmonji, but it ends this coming Saturday (July 21th) unfortunately. So, Don't miss it.
Today I saw some young tourist climbed up the stone steps of Honmonji,then they were saying "WOW! It's so COOL!" with taking pictures of the windbells blowing in the wind.
I am happy if Honmonji decide to extend this event until end of this crazy hot summer becuase this Saturday must be still hot and very dangerous for the people who remove these 500 windbells from the trees.
There are some funny and lovely strips with their wishes hanging under the windbells.
「Natsu-wa Atsui!」Summer is HOT!
「Yoi-Aite Ga Mitsukari Masuyouni」I wish I could find my partner.
第14回、500個の風鈴が奏でる風の音!7/21まで - Dogwoodの池上日記
池上本門寺で500個の風鈴を聞くイベント!願い事ベスト3!7月22日まで - Dogwoodの池上日記